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Freelang Hindi-English dictionary

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Hindi (or Hindustani) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by over 500 million people, mostly in India where it is one of the two official languages of communication, along with English. It is the third most spoken language in the world, after Chinese and English. Hindi is written with the Devanagari script, but this Freelang dictionary is a romanized version.

Features of this dictionary

Download our free dictionary (for Windows or Android) and browse both the Hindi-English and the English-Hindi lists. Look up a word, add or modify an entry, and learn words at your own rhythm from a personal learning list. Click here to learn more about the features or scroll down to download the program. An online version is also available, so you can browse the dictionary without downloading it.

Features of this dictionary

Download our free dictionary for Android! Browse the wordlists, look up words and practice your vocabulary at your own rhythm. An online version is also available, so you can browse the dictionary without downloading it.


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Word list information

This dictionary was made by Abhijeet A. Bhandwale.

List status: © Abhijeet A. Bhandwale

Hindi > English: 4,065 words
English > Hindi: 3,328 words

Last update: March 21, 2014
First upload: April 27, 2002

A word from the author

I feel extreme pleasure presenting this dictionary. Here are some tips to make your learning a bit easier. Just observe when the syllable is to be stressed, this can be spotted wherever an alphabet is repeated. For example: blessing - aashirwaad (stretch the 'a')

Many words in English are as they are in English, for example, a brush is called a brush in spoken Hindi, a doctor is called a doctor. But there exist extremely pure Hindi words, which have been included in the dictionary.

No slang has been included in the dictionary.

The update has marked pronunciation for some words. I was unable to add such pronunciation for all words. Users should please bear with this. Since I add words during leisure and leisure has become a rarity for me as I am graduating this year.

Abhijeet (

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Learn Hindi online

HindiLanguage and HindiLearner are two great websites that will help you learn Hindi for free. Both have everything to get you started: description of the alphabet and pronunciation, grammar lessons, phrases and vocabulary. The Virtual Media Lab of the University of Pennsylvania also offers audio lessons that can be downloaded for free (format .au). Finally let us mention a free translation service, based on the same principle as Freelang's translation service: free help for short requests like names or tatoos, in Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi and Gujarati.