Wednesday, February 19, 2025

FREELANG Magazine - Quiz 2: Hear a language and try to identify it

Test your knowledge!

Can you identify the languages you hear?

 All our quizzes

Principle of the game:
We asked our translators to record a text in their native language. We invite you to download the 15 questions and indicate what language you think is spoken. The questions are mp3 sound files, so you can listen to them with your mp3 player and then click the correct answer below.

The text is always the same, basically it says: "Welcome to Freelang's website! Do you know what language I am speaking? I hope you are having fun playing this game. There are many languages in the world, but it's not possible to know all of them. Good bye!"

To listen to the questions:
1. Download the MP3 files: zip format (manual installation) or exe format (easy installation).
2. Please note the folder in which you extract (unzip) the files (usually c:\windows\temp).
3. Go to that folder and launch the questions one by one, or launch quiz_us.m3u to enqueue all the questions.

If you need to install an MP3 player, you can download Winamp here.

During the quiz, make sure you validate any message (error, confirmation...) by clicking the "OK" button.


Many thanks to: Elda Vuci, Renate Savant, Loig Cheveau, Bernard Vivier, Géraldine Wójcik, Caroline, Ketty Benillouche, Kata Szénási, Vikram, Kwak, Kittipol, Yannick Marchegay, Matt, MV, Tarrek Alkhalil et Iubito.


We hope you enjoyed this quiz. Please let us know how you did!

Information about you
  Miss   Mrs   Mr
Name or nickname:
Your age:
To help us improve our quizzes
Your score:
How was the quiz?
Any additional message for us?
(Please provide your email address if you want us to reply, thank you.)
Antispam (not another quiz question)
Please type in the sum of these figures: 10 + 8 =