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FREELANG - Language Maps

Our language maps show the geographic distribution of language families. They can also help you place some minor languages you hadn't heard of until you saw their names in our dictionary collection. Some maps are very simple, like the maps of India or Africa. Their goal is just to provide basic information. Some are more complex, like our maps of Russia or North America. Some of the maps are historical maps, like the maps of Indian Languages in North America, and some others are a bit dated (in which case you can see the date in the legend).


See also:

 Families and languages (comprehensive table)

 Families only (summary table)

Summary of this page

Language Maps

 World's main language families

Language families in the world


 Early Indian languages in the U.S.A.

Early Indian languages


 North American language families

North American language families


 Most widely spoken native languages in Latin America

Native languages in Latin America


 Distribution of language families in Africa

Language families in Africa


 Linguistic groups in Nigeria

Linguistic groups in Nigeria


 Distribution of Slavic languages

Slavic languages


 Finno-Ugrian people

Finno-Ugrian people


 Ethnic plurality in Caucasus

Ethnic plurality in Caucasus


 Ethno-linguistic groups in the Caucasus region

Ethno-linguistic groups in Caucasus


 Ethnic plurality in Russia

Ethnic plurality in Russia


 Russia's ethnic republics

Ethnic republics in Russia


 Ethnic composition of China

Ethnic composition of China


 Main languages of India

Languages of India