Klingon is one of the most famous fake TV languages. Klingon was used in Star Trek and it went on to become widely known to the extent that it even has some speakers. The amazing thing about the Klingon language is that it has a dictionary and even William Shakespeare’s Hamlet has been translated into the language. This makes it one of the most real fake TV languages. Klingon was developed by Marc Okrand who had designed it to be a ‘tough’ language spoken by a warrior community. The rules of this language were based on the grammar rules of the Japanese, Chinese and Mohawk languages. It may be a bit challenging to learn Klingon.
The popularity of made up TV languages can be marjorly attributed to the fact that movie fans want to identify and feel more connected with the storyline and the characters. Being able to speak a unique language that is exclusive to the characters in their favorite movie makes fans feel like they belong to a special club. TV languages that were first invented, like Klingon, were a bit hard to pronounce and learn and they only had a few words. But today, TV languages are more sophisticated and easier to learn, as they have more words, grammar rules and an alphabet. There are also online tutorials that are available to help individuals who are interested to master some TV languages. There are also special conventions where fans meet and can be able to communicate in the TV language.
There are a number of languages which have been invented exclusively for use on TV. Esperanto is a real world language that was invented in 1887 and it is commonly used in movies to show the future of the languages of humanity. It was used in the Science fiction movies Red Dwarf and Gattaca and in the horror 1965 film Incubus. The Vampirese language was used in the Blade movies. City Speak was a gibberish language used in the Blade Runner (1982). It is a mixture of Japanese, German and Spanish. Huttuese was used in Star Wars and Martian was used in the 1996 movie Mars Attacks.