Other websites: Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and English

Quite frequently, fellow webmasters use our submission form to add their websites to our directory. Our directory has not been updated for a long time and we are thinking of reorganizing it, probably by mentioning the most useful links in the dictionary pages. So instead of having a whole page dedicated to links to other websites, we will keep only a short paragraph, like you can see on our Spanish page, for example. Google likes it better, and I think our users and our fellow webmasters will like it better too.

In the meantime, here are a few interesting websites that have been submitted recently.

Let’s begin by Helcio Domingues’ personal homepage, dedicated to Brazilian Portuguese. You will find grammar lessons and thematic vocabulary lists, as well as a detailed pronunciation guide with MP3 files to download.

Türkiye Sözlük is an interactive online dictionary. It’s all in Turkish so I’m not sure how exactly it is “interactive”, but it looks like a unilingual dictionary. So it’s not a translator, it gives definitions in Turkish.

Our third website is for English learners (beginner level or children) and is actually made of two blogs. The first blog presents vocabulary lists and vocabulary games, with pictures and sound. The second blog offers Flash games: Hangman, Memory, Drag & Drop games…

3 Comments on “Other websites: Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and English”

  1. Very good clues about Brazilian and Turkish sites (in spite of not knowing a single word in Turkish.
    The Brazilian page is well done. I liked to see the picture of Rio de Janeiro, my city, even why I have been living in Southern Brazil for more than 20 years.

  2. Tive um momento muito divertido, no Brasil, mas quando eu fui a Portugal, ouvi linguagem, linda. Incrível. Tanto agradável. Muito obrigado pela assessoria.

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